4 Common Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Mistakes

4 Common Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Mistakes

By Brittany LaGanke, Director of Nonprofit Development, CGC

Originally published on 6/17/20 by Salsa

Given that events and in-person meetings are limited within the current climate, organizations are becoming increasingly reliant upon online fundraising. One of the most effective forms of online fundraising is Peer-to-Peer (P2P). This powerful fundraising method provides nonprofits with much-needed funds quickly, while also expanding their network of donors.

If your organization is considering executing a P2P campaign for the first time, here are some common mistakes to be aware of:

1. Lack of Adequate Planning

It takes time to prepare for a P2P campaign. Content must be gathered well ahead of time so that effective messaging can be created. It’s a good idea to give the program staff (or whoever will be tasked with this) adequate lead time to collect photos, videos, stories, quotes, testimonials, etc. Map out your messaging (emails, letters, social posts) first so you know exactly how much content you’ll need- it usually ends up being more than you’d think. 

2. No Unified Message/Branding Across All Platforms

When putting together your campaign calendar, it’s important to keep the core appeal in mind and make sure each piece of content fits into the greater story being told. It’s confusing for your audience if your campaign emails have a different look/feel or message than your campaign social media posts. The campaign landing page, emails, social media posts, direct mail letters, etc should all have a unified voice. This will help create a narrative that is easy for your audience to understand and easy for your fundraisers to rally around. 

3. Not Providing Sufficient Tools for Fundraisers

It may be tempting to think of P2P as a “set it and forget it” style of fundraising. While your fundraisers will certainly handle most of the legwork for you, you’ll still need to provide plenty of tools, resources, and assistance along the way. Your fundraisers will be much more successful if they are armed with a “fundraising kit” including items such as: easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and operate their fundraising page, email templates, social media post templates, and helpful background information about the organization and campaign. The more educated they are from the beginning, the less they’ll need to rely on your staff throughout the campaign.

4. Lack of Communication with Fundraisers

In addition to tools and resources, it’s important for you to be a constant source of information and support for the people that are taking the time out of their day to raise awareness and money for your organization. Communicate with them about the overall goals of the campaign and how the money raised will impact your programs. Be sure to send reminders of timing: when the campaign starts, when you are halfway through, and when the last-minute solicitations should be sent. Encourage them to take a sense of ownership in their important role. This should go without saying, but always be sure to thank them profusely for their support! 

Happy fundraising!

Learn about our fundraising services here.

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